RNA 系列讲座

2024.08.16  Wang Haoyi, Principle Inverstigator , Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Science
2024.08.02  Lu Jun, Tenured Assistant Professor , Department of Genetics, Yale University
2024.07.19  Zhou Qiang, Assistant Professor,School of Life Sciences, Westlake University
2024.07.05  ShuaiLiu, Principle Investigator, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhejiang University
2024.06.14  Dieter A.Wolf Professor, School of Life Sciences, Westlake University
2024.05.29  Emiliano Ricci , tenured researcher position at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
2023.11.13  Eric Westhof , France, Germany, Academician of the European Academy of Sciences,member of EMBO
2023.08.23  房俊男, Postdoc of Emory University
2023.08.15  李岩强, Lecturer, Harvard Medical School/Boston Children's Hospital
2023.07.21  赵辛, Professor, McGill University, Canada
2023.07.14  俞洋,Researcher/Ph.D. Supervisor, Institute of Eugenics and Perinatology, Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center/Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Visitor)
2023.06.30  童亮,William R.Kenan,Jr.Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences Columbia University
2023.06.12  虞一涛,Professor,the Center for RNA Medicine and the University of Rochester Medical Center
2023.05.05  杜亚楠,tenured professor at the School of Medicine, Tsinghua University