
Our logo embodies our mission to create a simple, productive, and welcoming environment that fosters discoveries aimed at improving the health of both humans and animals. The mountain in our logo represents DNA, where the code of life is embedded, while the river flowing from it symbolizes the pervasive and diverse RNAs that are synthesized from DNA, performing numerous functions in all aspects of life. The river also represents the flow of knowledge, reflecting our commitment to translating our discoveries into practical solutions that benefit humanity.

The open valley in the foreground of our logo represents our humble attitude and inclusive environment, where individuals of all races, religions, and ethnicities, as well as individuals at different stages of their training, are welcome to join us in our pursuit of knowledge. A tulip tree growing on the right side of our logo represents our dedication to pursuing what we are passionate about and the fundamental principles that govern life and the universe.



Our overarching goal is to understand the mechanisms controlling cytoplasmic RNA fate—why some RNAs are robustly translated while others are not and why some RNAs in the cytosol undergo rapid degradation while others persist with long half-lives. These differences are essential for proper cellular function, viral defense, development, pathogenesis, and RNA drug design. Our study on cytoplasmic RNA fate control mechanisms are mainly focused on germ cells, which have an unlimited life span and reprogrammed totipotency. To ensure the sustainability of a species, germ cells must: 1) faithfully replicate their genome; 2) diversify offspring through meiotic recombination; and 3) respond to their environment and pass epigenetic information to offspring (epigenetic inheritance). We are using a combination of “wet” and “dry” lab approaches, as well as comparative genomics across diverse animal species to track how RNAs protect, diversify, and shape the information flow across generations. These mechanisms and methodologies open new targets, revenues, and technologies for RNA medicine development.


Our ongoing projects focus on three main topics:

1. PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) – A recently discovered class of small RNAs that have been shown to be essential for fertility in a diverse range of organisms from worms to humans. piRNAs have primarily been shown to silence deleterious selfish elements, known as transposable elements including endogenous retroviruses. Our goal is to understand the mechanisms underlying piRNA biogenesis and the evolution how piRNAs are born, diversified, and dead, as well as uncover other functions of piRNAs. This study will advance our understanding on how germ cells maintain genome integrity in the arms race against constantly invading and mutating selfish elements.

2. Sperm RNAs – Although sperm was believed to only pass on DNA to the next generation, sperm RNAs also play a role in inheritance. This sperm RNA-mediated epigenetic inheritance likely contributes to inherited disorders associated with gene-environment interactions, such as neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders. Our goal is to elucidate the regulatory processes that determine the sperm transcriptome during normal development and under environmental perturbations as well as the mechanisms of their long-lasting impact on offspring. This study will not only explain hidden mechanisms of inheritable diseases, but also challenge the tenets of Darwinian evolution.

3. mRNA medicine to treat male infertility – We believe the mRNA drug is ideal for male infertility therapies and “the only” choice mainly for three reasons, 1) no competition with gene therapy, 2) diverse genetic/epigenetic causes requiring personalized medicine, and 3) no need for sustained supply of therapeutic RNAs. We are pioneering the study of the delivery and toxicity of RNAs in germ cells as well as the optimization of robust translation at the right stage and right cell type without affecting hormones/libido or causing potential epigenetic effects. Male infertility is an inroad for us to get into the rapidly growing translational research on mRNA medicine.



"In working closely with Xin, it is clear that his leadership and mentorship encourage a collegial, collaborative working environment that truly nurtures his lab members' passions and potential. The Li Lab is continuously innovating and breaking the current boundaries of science to uncover exciting new directions in the RNA field. Having worked in a number of labs, it is quite rare to see the level of collaboration, innovation, and productivity present here.”

- John, currently in MD/PhD program at University of Minnesota

"Having stayed in a few labs, the Li lab has always been my favorite as both Dr. Li and the graduate students are always willing to listen to you and help. I joined the lab with nothing but an interest in sequencing and despite the lab members spending so much time training me, they did so without any sense of impatience. The environment within the lab is super friendly, it is not only a lab, but also a home for everyone."  

- Hanwen, currently in Master's program at Imperial Business School

"Throughout my PhD training, the Li lab has provided me with the very best support by leading the cutting-edge research in the field, adopting multidisciplinary approaches to solve challenging projects, and publishing multiple research papers, helping me to be competitive for my future career.”

– Yu, Scientist at Biogene

"As an undergraduate, I find the lab environment to be very collaborative; despite Dr. Li, graduate students, and the lab technician always being so busy, they always find time to help you. I have learned a lot and acquired plenty of new skills since joining this lab!”

- Yifan, currently in DVM program at the Ohio State University

"I have the opportunity to engage in intellectual conversations that enable individual growth both inside and outside of the lab on a daily basis.”

– Kadijah, Toxicologist at Sherwin-Williams